03 May Tues. June 5th: Book Club – “The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir”
Tuesday, June 5th
Mechanics’ Hall, 519 Congress St.
12-1 PM in the Library
Book Club meets once a month in the library, on the First Tuesday, to discuss bestsellers. This month we are discussing The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir by Jennifer Ryan. Google books writes: “This highly touted debut tells the story of an all-female choir in a Kentish village during World War II whose members resist the vicar’s efforts to shut them down when the choir’s male participants go off to war. Events are related through the letters and journals of five members, while the story was inspired by Ryan’s grandmother.” Bring your lunch, but snacks and tea are provided.
FREE and open to the public. 12:00-1:00PM. Elevator access to second floor library.
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