19 Jan Wed. Feb 27th: Makers at the Hall w/ Johanna & Steve Corman
Wednesday, Feb. 27th
Mechanics’ Hall, 519 Congress St.
7:00-9:00 PM in the Library
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and add vodka!” Mechanics’ Hall is excited to welcome Johanna & Steve Corman of Vena’s Fizz House. Opened in 2013 in the Old Port, Vena’s was originally an alcohol-free bar serving imaginative mocktails. Now with a liquor license, they can offer boozy options as well. Hear all about the art of mixology! Refreshments and conversation to follow the presentation.
FREE for Mechanics’ Hall members, $5 general admission. 7:00-9:00PM. Elevator access to second floor library.
Arthur Fink
Posted at 10:29h, 25 FebruaryI don’t believe anybody ever told Joanna Corman she was having too much fu n!. Every step in the story of Vena’s Fizz House appears to be utterly absurd — but sometimes crazy people do crazy things that turn out to be absolutely brilliant!. I can’t wait to hear this presentation. [unsolicited plug!]
Karolyn Greenstreet
Posted at 16:19h, 26 FebruaryThanks, Arthur! Yes, this is sure to be a fun one. We’re very excited.